Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
“The order of Christian initiation….is designed for adults, who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.” RCIA Rite Book #1
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the Church’s process for calling adults to conversion and preparing them for an active life in the Church as disciples of Christ. During the process, those above the age of reason will participate in different liturgical rites that will mark their progress on their journey of faith. The culmination of the OCIA process is the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil.
The OCIA is a process, not a program. It is about developing and deepening a relationship with Christ, not just learning about the faith of the Church. This is why the OCIA process is spread over a longer period of time. No one but God can judge the time it will take for a process of conversion in a person’s life. The goal of OCIA is to transform the entire person into someone who has a relationship with Christ and is truly walking in His path.
The OCIA process is intended primarily for those who are unbaptized and are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation. However, the Rite is also adapted for those who were baptized in another faith tradition and are seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Boyne Valley Catholic Community has a year round, on-going process for those who would like to inquire about the faith. If you are interested in OCIA , or know of someone who may be interested, please call Patty at 231-582-7718.
For more information on the OCIA process, please click the link: https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/who-we-teach/christian-initiation-of-adults
For the most current calendar of the OCIA inquiry process, please see: Fall-Inquiry-2024