Pastoral Council:
A pastoral council is to be established in all parishes of the Diocese. Pastors/Pastoral Administrators are to regard pastoral council development as a major parish priority. The pastoral council is a community of servant leaders whose purpose is to assist the pastor/pastoral administrator in discerning, through prayer and study, how the parish can best carry out the mission of the Church.
The pastoral council is the primary advisory body to the pastor/pastoral administrator in the parish, considering all matters of major pastoral concern. In such matters, through prayer and study, policy recommendations are carefully discerned by the pastoral council together with the pastor/pastoral administrator. Policy is implemented by the pastor/pastoral administrator, pastoral staff, and other members of the community who minister with them. The pastoral council’s responsibilities include calling all to ministry, pastoral planning, stewardship and/or other pastoral concerns that the pastor/parish life coordinator designates. (Diocese of Gaylord website,
The Members of the Boyne Valley Catholic Community Pastoral Council are:
Jim Guyor, Chairperson
Cindy Pineda
Grant Ohlson
Don Clemmer
Patty Furtaw, ex officio
Debbie Edwards
Dave Sommer
Ellen Dart
Sue Dzwik, recording secretary
Finance Council:
A parish finance council is to be established in all parishes of the Diocese. Pastors/Pastoral administrators are to regard finance council development as a major parish priority. The finance council is a community of servant leaders whose purpose is to assist the pastor/pastoral administrator in discerning, through prayer and study, how the goods of a parish can best be administered. The finance council is an advisory body to the pastor/pastoral administrator in the parish, considering all matters of major financial concern. In such matters, through prayer and study, policy recommendations are carefully discerned by the finance council together with the pastor/pastoral administrator in accord with the regulations of universal church law as well as norms issued by the diocesan bishop. Policy is implemented by the pastor/pastoral administrator, pastoral staff, and other members of the community who minister with them. The finance council’s responsibilities include the careful stewardship of parish resources, the development of further resources, and the allocation of resources to carry out the goals and objectives established by the pastor/parish life coordinator with the pastoral council. (Diocese of Gaylord website:
Members of the Boyne Valley Catholic Community Finance Council are:
Yvonne Looze, Chairperson
Dan Schmittdiel
Joan Wasylewsk
Dave Bricker
Terri Donaldson
Patty Furtaw, ex officio
Education Commission:
The Faith Formation Commission is a community of servant leaders whose purpose is to discern, through prayer and study, how the faith community can best carry out the educational mission of the church. The various education programs in the faith community may include adult faith formation, Catholic schools, religious education programs, sacramental preparation programs, and youth and young adult ministry. The Faith Formation Commission, as an extension of the pastoral council, is a consultative group to the pastor/pastoral administrator.
The responsibilities of the commission include promoting lifelong faith formation, drafting policy, when needed, which enables this formation to take place; and evaluating the educational programs in light of the mission of the faith community. (Diocese of Gaylord Education Commission Handbook).
The members of the Boyne Valley Catholic Community Faith Formation Commission are:
Kathleen Powers
Amy Hortsman
Bonnie Bobola
Patty Furtaw, ex-officio
Jim Kanine – Chairperson
Debbie Church
Al Dzwik
Sue Dzwik, Ex office
Worship Commission:
The Boyne Valley Catholic Community Worship commission exists to promote and strengthen the continuing liturgical renewal so that our faith community will be centered in the Eucharist.
The members of the Boyne Valley Catholic Community Worship Commission are:
Jackie DiMambro
Vince Schehl
JoAnn Gavey
Lisa Smith
Jim Dixon
Anne Simms – Chairperson
Evelyn Starr
Patty Furtaw
Jennifer Kreft
St. Augustine Cemetery Committee:
The purpose of the St. Augustine Cemetery Committee is to provide for the burial needs and cemeteries of St. Augustine parish. Those cemeteries include St. Augustine Cemetery and Holy Cross Cemetery.
The members of the St. Augustine Cemetery Committee are:
Frank Wasylewski
Christine Thomas
Bernie Kondrat
Patty Furtaw, ex officio
Doug Reynolds
Bob Kondrat
Randy Matelski